Mypoints is a shopping rewards program. Here’s how it works:
Step 1: You open a free account with; this is not a referal link.
Step 2: Earn points by receiving e-mails, referring friends and family, taking surveys and shopping at 100’s of well known and trusted online stores that you already use!
Step 3: Redeem your points for gift cards to a variety of well known stores like Wal-Mart, Target, Old Navy and much more. You can redeem your points for gift cards in a variety of categories, so you’ll certainly find a store that you love.
The great thing about Mypoints is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money for your points to really add up! I’ve honestly made very few small purchases online since I started using Mypoints, yet I have enough points to get a $50 gift card to Target. They have plenty of free ways to earn points, which is where the majority of my points come from. I get promotional e-mails from Mypoints everyday, all I do is read an e-mail and I get 5 points! They also have pages full of “easy offers” that require no credit card to earn points as well.
Different stores offer different point values, anywhere from 2 to 10 points per dollar. currently offers a whopping 10 points per dollar. is like a discount warehouse online offering 75% off or more RETAIL SALE
. You can find great brand name electronics, apparel, bedding, furniture, entertainment, and the list goes on. Before I buy anything, I check to see if they have what I need. I know I’ll get it at a great price and I’ll get 10 points per dollar via
Right now I’m in the market for a digital camera, and is exactly the place to get it. I’m sure I’ll end up spending at least $200, that’s 2,000 points right there! I’d be well on my way to getting a free $25 gift card to
Some people like to cash in their points every chance they get, for a $10 gift card to Wal-Mart, or something of the sort. That’s great, but it seems to me that there’s a much better way of doing it. With a little bit of planning, you can continually regenerate your points so you can cash them in for bigger amounts without spending as much!
Unlike those “some people” that I mentioned before; I’m the kind of girl who likes to save her points for bigger purchases or bigger rewards. As I mentioned earlier, I’m in the market for a digital camera, so if I buy that digital camera off of, via, and receive my 2,000 to add on to what I already have I’ll be able to redeem my points for a $100 giftcard to or any other retailer of my choice. Then if I use my $100 giftcard via on, I’ll have yet another 1,000 to go towards another gift card.
If you take the time to think about your purchases and do a little bit of planning you can really stretch your dollar! It’s especially important if you’re planning a big purchase like a new laptop, TV or other expensive item. Take the time to compare stores on Mypoints keep in mind price, shipping, and potential points earned. It’s always nice to get a little (or big) something extra out of your money!